Business Immigration

Business Immigration
to Canada

Crafting a Stronger Economy Together

Canada's thriving economy benefits from its dynamic business sector. With its Business Immigration programs, Canada welcomes global entrepreneurs to enhance its economic landscape. If you possess the business insight and ambition, Canada is your stage to shine.

Types of Business Immigration Programs


Federal Business Immigration Programs

Investor ProgramAimed at individuals willing to make a significant investment in Canada, which will be returned without interest after a period of time. In return, applicants and their immediate families gain permanent residency in Canada.

Entrepreneur ProgramThis program targets individuals who commit to owning and actively managing businesses in Canada that create jobs and contribute to the economy.


Provincial Nominee Business Programs

Different provinces in Canada have their own business immigration programs tailored to their specific needs and economic goals. While the criteria can vary, these programs generally focus on attracting investments and creating jobs within the province.

Examples include the British Columbia Entrepreneur Immigration Stream and the Manitoba Business Investor Stream.

Eligibility Criteria

Who can apply under this program?


Business Experience

Most programs require a specific amount of managerial experience or ownership of a business.


Net Worth

Both the federal and provincial programs often have minimum net worth requirements, ensuring that business immigrants have the necessary capital to establish or invest in a Canadian business.


Investment Amount

Depending on the program, there is a specified amount that needs to be invested in a Canadian business.


Active Management

It's essential for entrepreneurs to have an active role in the daily management and operations of their business.


Job Creation

Many programs require that the business creates a certain number of jobs for Canadian residents.


Application Process

The process generally includes:

Program Selection

Begin by determining which business immigration program aligns with your goals and qualifications.

Prepare Documentation

Gather essential business documents, financial records, business plans, and any other relevant paperwork.

Submit Expression of Interest

For some provincial nominee programs, you may need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) before applying.

Application Submission

Complete the necessary forms and submit your application along with the required fees.

In-person Interview

Some programs may require an in-person interview to discuss your business proposal and intentions.

Receive Nomination or Approval

If your application meets the program's criteria, you may receive a provincial nomination or direct federal approval.

Complete Medical and Security Checks

These are standard for all immigration pathways to Canada.


Finalize Residency

Upon successful review, finalize your permanent residency and prepare for your business venture in Canada.

Benefits of Business Immigration


Economic Contribution

Business immigrants infuse capital, innovation, and employment opportunities into Canada's economy.


Global Connections

The integration of global business practices and networks can open doors to international markets for Canada.


Permanent Residency

Business immigrants and their families get the opportunity to call Canada their home, enjoying all societal benefits that come with it.

Our Services

Precision Review Service (PRS)

Meticulous Full Document Review

Optimize your chances of success with our one-time, comprehensive document and case file review. Ensure that your application stands out in its accuracy and completeness before final submission.


Detailed Examination Benefit from a thorough analysis of your case file, ensuring every piece of information is aligned with application requirements and that your submission is at its strongest.


Expert Consultation Our professionals will go over your case file in a structured Zoom meeting, offering insights and addressing any areas of concern.

CorrespondenceWhile the bulk of our communication will be conducted via email for quick clarifications and updates, the core of this service — the case file review — will be conducted in an in-depth Zoom session to provide real-time feedback.

Precision Review Service With Precision Review Service you get the assurance of having seasoned professionals take one last meticulous look, ensuring your application is in its prime when it reaches decision-makers.

DisclaimerOur emphasis is on a thorough, process-driven review to enhance the accuracy and completeness of your application. While we aim to bolster your chances, our services do not guarantee an ITA. The final eligibility and qualification criteria are set by the immigration authorities.

Comprehensive Candidacy Care

All Inclusive Full File service


Official Representation Trust our expert team to represent you before the IRCC, ensuring proper adherence to formalities.


Document Mastery Get unparalleled guidance for document preparation, ensuring every piece of information aligns with requirements.


End-to-End Review Our seasoned experts meticulously review each document, while actively managing your application and its critical deadlines.


Persistent Communication We'll continually liaise with IRCC, ensuring your application progresses seamlessly.

CorrespondenceWhile we primarily communicate via emails for efficiency, don’t hesitate to request virtual meetings whenever you wish for a more personal touch.

Service DurationOur commitment lasts until the final decision on your application is reached.

Guided Application Navigator (GAN)

Consultation with our experience RCIC

Embark on your immigration journey with our guiding hand by your side. Take charge of your application while we provide the expert guidance and consultation every step of the way.


Guidance Throughout As you delve into the intricacies of the application process, we stand by you, ready to answer all your queries, ensuring you move forward with confidence and clarity.


Document Review Our team meticulously reviews every document, ensuring they align with IRCC's stringent standards. Avoid common pitfalls and oversights with our comprehensive scrutiny.

CorrespondencePrimary interactions will take place via email, ensuring a written record of all communications. For a more personal touch or in-depth discussions, virtual consultations can be arranged upon request.

Service ValidityFrom the moment you sign up, our services are at your disposal for 2 years, up until the receipt of your ITA. If the ITA is received within this timeframe, rest assured, we will continue guiding you until your PR approval, irrespective of how long it takes.

Who is it forOur Guided Application Navigator service is designed for individuals who prefer a balance of personal oversight with professional expertise. With GAN, you're not alone on your journey to a new beginning.

DisclaimerOur commitment is to guide you with a process-driven approach, ensuring accuracy and adherence to all regulations. However, please note that our services do not guarantee an ITA. Your eligibility and qualifications for immigration programs remain as determined by the governing bodies.


Our Services

GreatGlobe Immigration Solutions offers comprehensive services to make your immigration journey seamless and successful. Our offerings include

Precision Review Service (PRS)

Meticulous Full Document Review

Optimize your chances of success with our one-time, comprehensive document and case file review. Ensure that your application stands out in its accuracy and completeness before final submission.

Comprehensive Candidacy Care

All Inclusive Full File service

Where our expert team guides you through the entire Permanent Residency application process, maximizing your chances of approval.

Guided Application Navigator (GAN)

Consultation with our experience RCIC

Embark on your immigration journey with our guiding hand by your side. Take charge of your application while we provide the expert guidance and consultation every step of the way.

At GreatGlobe, we are committed to your success, providing unparalleled support and assistance throughout your immigration process, making your dream of moving to Canada a reality.

Call for Action

Connect with Our Experts

If you have the drive, ambition, and vision, Canada has the resources and opportunities to make your business aspirations a reality. Contact Us today to start the process.

Unlock Your Immigration Potential

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Frequently Asked Questions

Stuck on something? We’re here to help with all your questions and answers in the places.
What differentiates the Business Immigration program from other Canadian immigration pathways?

The Business Immigration program specifically targets individuals with a strong business background. Unlike other programs, which might prioritize work experience, education, or other factors, this program emphasizes business ownership, management experience, and investment capabilities.

Are there any minimum investment requirements for the Business Immigration program?

Yes, depending on the specific category under the Business Immigration program, there are minimum investment requirements. These amounts vary based on the nature of the business and the region in which you intend to invest.

Can my family accompany me under the Business Immigration program?

Absolutely. Most Business Immigration pathways allow the primary applicant to include their spouse or common-law partner, as well as dependent children, in the application.

How long does it typically take to process a Business Immigration application?

Processing times can vary based on the specific program, the completeness of your application, and the volume of applications received by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). However, business applications tend to undergo thorough assessments, which might prolong the processing time compared to other categories.

Do I need to live in the province or territory where I establish my business?

For most provincial business immigration streams, there is an expectation that you'll reside in the province or territory where you've invested and established your business.

What happens if my business fails? Will I be asked to leave Canada?

While the success of your business can impact your eligibility for certain immigration benefits, such as permanent residency, business failure doesn't automatically result in the revocation of your temporary status in Canada. However, you'd need to meet the conditions of your status or seek an alternative immigration pathway.

Is there a language proficiency requirement for the Business Immigration program?

Language proficiency in English or French might be required for certain business immigration streams. It's essential to check the specific requirements of the program you're interested in.


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