Provincial Nomination Programs

A Province Awaits You Choose Your Canadian Home through PNP

The Provincial Nomination Programs, as their name implies, are immigration initiatives established by the individual provinces of Canada.

What is a PNP Program?

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is an immigration program in Canada that allows individual provinces and territories to nominate candidates for permanent residency based on their specific economic and labor market needs. The PNP is designed to attract skilled workers, entrepreneurs, and other individuals who can contribute to the local economies and communities in different regions of Canada.
The following provinces and territories are currently participating in the Provincial Nominee Program:
  • Alberta

  • British Columbia

  • Manitoba

  • New Brunswick

  • Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Northwest Territories

  • Nova Scotia

  • Ontario

  • Prince Edward Island

  • Saskatchewan

  • Yukon

Each province has its own specific criteria and requirements, so it is important to visit their respective websites for detailed information.

Eligibility Criteria

Who can apply for PNP?

The eligibility criteria for the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) in Canada vary depending on the specific province or territory you are applying to. Each province and territory operates its own PNP with unique streams, and each stream has its set of eligibility requirements. However, common eligibility criteria for most PNP streams include the following


Connection to the Province or Territory

You must demonstrate a genuine intention to live and work in the specific province or territory to which you are applying. This could include having previous work experience, studying, or having family ties in the region.


Work Experience

Most PNPs require applicants to have a certain amount of work experience in an occupation that is in-demand in the province or territory. The work experience may need to be gained through legal means, such as having a valid work permit.



You should have a minimum level of education to be eligible for most PNP streams. The educational requirements can vary and may include having completed a certain level of education or obtaining specific credentials or degrees.


Language Proficiency

Proficiency in English or French is usually required to apply for a PNP. You will need to take a language test approved by the province or territory and achieve the required minimum scores.



Some PNPs may assess your adaptability to the province or territory based on factors such as previous visits, family or social connections, or a settlement plan.


Proof of Sufficient Funds

You may be required to provide evidence of sufficient funds to support yourself and any accompanying family members during your initial settlement in Canada.


Valid Job Offer (Optional)

Some PNP streams may require a valid job offer from a Canadian employer in the province or territory. Having a job offer can significantly enhance your eligibility and CRS score for the Express Entry system.

It's important to note that the specific eligibility criteria and requirements may change over time, and each province or territory can introduce updates based on their economic and labor market needs. Therefore, it's crucial to refer to the official website of the province or territory you are interested in for the most up-to-date and accurate information on their PNP streams and eligibility criteria. Working with an immigration consultant or lawyer can also help you navigate the PNP process and understand the specific requirements for the program you are interested in.


What is the process for PNP Program?

The process for the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) in Canada involves several steps, and it may vary slightly depending on the specific province or territory you are applying to. However, the general process includes the following key stages

Determine Eligibility

Research and identify the PNP streams offered by the province or territory where you wish to settle. Check the eligibility criteria for each stream to ensure that you meet the requirements, which may include factors such as work experience, education, language proficiency, and connection to the province or territory.

Submit Expression of Interest (EOI) or Application

Depending on the province or territory's PNP, you may need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to express your interest in immigrating to the region. If your profile matches the requirements of a specific stream, you may be invited to apply for a provincial nomination. Alternatively, some PNPs may allow you to directly apply for a provincial nomination based on your eligibility.

Provincial Nomination Application

If you receive an invitation to apply for a provincial nomination, you will need to complete the application process for the specific PNP stream. This typically involves providing detailed information about your work experience, education, language proficiency, and other factors. You may also need to submit supporting documents to verify your qualifications.

Nomination and Points Allocation

Once your application is assessed and approved by the province or territory, you will receive a provincial nomination certificate. This certificate adds 600 points to your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score if you are applying through the federal Express Entry system.

Apply for Permanent Residency (if applicable)

If you are applying through Express Entry, you will need to wait for the federal government to conduct draws and issue Invitations to Apply (ITAs) for permanent residency. If you receive an ITA, you can use your provincial nomination to apply for permanent residency through the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Application Processing and Permanent Residency Approval

The IRCC will review your application for permanent residency, including medical and security checks. If your application is approved, you will receive Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) documents, and you and your eligible family members can become permanent residents of Canada.

It's essential to carefully follow the specific instructions provided by the province or territory's PNP for which you are applying, as processes and requirements may differ slightly among different regions. Working with a qualified immigration consultant or lawyer can also be beneficial to navigate the PNP process successfully.

Are all Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) processed through Express Entry?

Each province can have multiple streams of programs and not all Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) streams process through the federal Express Entry system. While some PNPs are aligned with Express Entry, providing additional points to candidates in the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), other PNPs have separate application processes that do not involve Express Entry.

Here's an overview of the two types of PNP streams:


Express Entry-Aligned PNP Streams

Some provinces and territories in Canada have PNP streams that are integrated with the federal Express Entry system. These are referred to as "Express Entry-aligned" streams. Candidates who are eligible for and interested in a particular Express Entry-aligned PNP stream must first create an Express Entry profile and indicate their interest in the specific province or territory.

If the province or territory is interested in nominating the candidate, they may issue a "Notification of Interest" (NOI). Once the candidate receives the NOI, they can apply to the PNP stream through their Express Entry profile.

If the application is approved, the candidate receives a provincial nomination, which adds 600 CRS points to their Express Entry profile. This substantial increase in CRS points significantly enhances the chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residency in subsequent Express Entry draws.


Base PNP Streams (Non-Express Entry)

Some provinces and territories have PNP streams that do not require candidates to have an Express Entry profile. These are commonly referred to as "Base PNP Streams" or "Non-Express Entry" streams.

Applicants interested in these streams must apply directly to the province or territory, following the specific application process outlined by the PNP program. The eligibility criteria and application requirements are unique to each Base PNP stream.

If the application is approved, the candidate will receive a provincial nomination, which does not affect the CRS score. However, candidates can use the provincial nomination to apply directly to the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for permanent residency.

Our Services

Precision Review Service (PRS)

Meticulous Full Document Review

Optimize your chances of success with our one-time, comprehensive document and case file review. Ensure that your application stands out in its accuracy and completeness before final submission.


Detailed Examination Benefit from a thorough analysis of your case file, ensuring every piece of information is aligned with application requirements and that your submission is at its strongest.


Expert Consultation Our professionals will go over your case file in a structured Zoom meeting, offering insights and addressing any areas of concern.

CorrespondenceWhile the bulk of our communication will be conducted via email for quick clarifications and updates, the core of this service — the case file review — will be conducted in an in-depth Zoom session to provide real-time feedback.

Precision Review Service With Precision Review Service you get the assurance of having seasoned professionals take one last meticulous look, ensuring your application is in its prime when it reaches decision-makers.

DisclaimerOur emphasis is on a thorough, process-driven review to enhance the accuracy and completeness of your application. While we aim to bolster your chances, our services do not guarantee an ITA. The final eligibility and qualification criteria are set by the immigration authorities.

Comprehensive Candidacy Care

All Inclusive Full File service


Official Representation Trust our expert team to represent you before the IRCC, ensuring proper adherence to formalities.


Document Mastery Get unparalleled guidance for document preparation, ensuring every piece of information aligns with requirements.


End-to-End Review Our seasoned experts meticulously review each document, while actively managing your application and its critical deadlines.


Persistent Communication We'll continually liaise with IRCC, ensuring your application progresses seamlessly.

CorrespondenceWhile we primarily communicate via emails for efficiency, don’t hesitate to request virtual meetings whenever you wish for a more personal touch.

Service DurationOur commitment lasts until the final decision on your application is reached.

Guided Application Navigator (GAN)

Consultation with our experience RCIC

Embark on your immigration journey with our guiding hand by your side. Take charge of your application while we provide the expert guidance and consultation every step of the way.


Guidance Throughout As you delve into the intricacies of the application process, we stand by you, ready to answer all your queries, ensuring you move forward with confidence and clarity.


Document Review Our team meticulously reviews every document, ensuring they align with IRCC's stringent standards. Avoid common pitfalls and oversights with our comprehensive scrutiny.

CorrespondencePrimary interactions will take place via email, ensuring a written record of all communications. For a more personal touch or in-depth discussions, virtual consultations can be arranged upon request.

Service ValidityFrom the moment you sign up, our services are at your disposal for 2 years, up until the receipt of your ITA. If the ITA is received within this timeframe, rest assured, we will continue guiding you until your PR approval, irrespective of how long it takes.

Who is it forOur Guided Application Navigator service is designed for individuals who prefer a balance of personal oversight with professional expertise. With GAN, you're not alone on your journey to a new beginning.

DisclaimerOur commitment is to guide you with a process-driven approach, ensuring accuracy and adherence to all regulations. However, please note that our services do not guarantee an ITA. Your eligibility and qualifications for immigration programs remain as determined by the governing bodies.


Our Services

GreatGlobe Immigration Solutions offers comprehensive services to make your immigration journey seamless and successful. Our offerings include

Precision Review Service (PRS)

Meticulous Full Document Review

Optimize your chances of success with our one-time, comprehensive document and case file review. Ensure that your application stands out in its accuracy and completeness before final submission.

Comprehensive Candidacy Care

All Inclusive Full File service

Where our expert team guides you through the entire Permanent Residency application process, maximizing your chances of approval.

Guided Application Navigator (GAN)

Consultation with our experience RCIC

Embark on your immigration journey with our guiding hand by your side. Take charge of your application while we provide the expert guidance and consultation every step of the way.

At GreatGlobe, we are committed to your success, providing unparalleled support and assistance throughout your immigration process, making your dream of moving to Canada a reality.

Unlock Your Immigration Potential

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Frequently Asked Questions

Stuck on something? We’re here to help with all your questions and answers in the places.
Which PNP Program is best for me?

Determining the best Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) for you depends on various factors, including your skills, work experience, education, language proficiency, and your ties to specific provinces or territories in Canada

To identify the best Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) for you:

  • Check eligibility criteria for PNPs in different provinces
  • Consider demand for your occupation in specific regions.
  • Assess connections to provinces, like family or previous experiences.
  • Prioritize Express Entry-aligned PNPs for higher CRS scores.
  • Review specific criteria, job offers, and processing times.
  • Consult an immigration professional for personalized guidance.
Is there any province that have no program connected with Federal Express Entry?

As of my last update in September 2021, all provinces and territories in Canada had at least one Express Entry-aligned Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) stream. However, immigration policies can change, so it's essential to check official websites for the latest information.

Can I apply for the PNP if I don't have a job offer in Canada?

Yes, some PNP streams do not require a job offer from a Canadian employer. However, having a job offer from a Canadian employer in the province or territory can enhance your eligibility and CRS score for the Express Entry system.

Can I apply for the PNP and Express Entry at the same time?

Yes, many PNPs are aligned with the federal Express Entry system. If you apply and are nominated by a province through an Express Entry-aligned stream, you will receive additional CRS points, increasing your chances of receiving an ITA for permanent residency.

What is the processing time for the PNP?

The processing time for the PNP can vary depending on the province or territory and the specific stream. Processing times are subject to change based on application volumes and other factors.

Can my family members be included in my PNP application?

Yes, if you are nominated and approved for permanent residency through the PNP, your eligible family members, such as your spouse or common-law partner and dependent children, can be included in your application.

Can I appeal a PNP refusal?

Each province or territory may have its process for appeals. If your application for the PNP is refused, you may have the option to request a review or appeal the decision, depending on the specific PNP guidelines.


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